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Could yohimbine be one of these plant-derived compounds that are a plus for your weight loss efforts

The studies for yohimbine are convincing. Efficacy as a treatment for obesity. 20 female participants diagnosed with obesity and on a low energy diet were randomly placed on either a placebo or 20 mg yohimbine per day for 21 days. Weight loss was significantly accelerated for the group on yohimbine supplementation.

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More effective when combined with exercise and other supplements like caffeine, match green tea and or synephrine.

It seems like every time you turn around, there’s a new weight loss supplement to attract /get your attention.

Yohimbe bark has been a popular treatment for erectile dysfunction for quite some time. Now it’s rising in the world of weight loss supplements, and its at burning effects appear to be much more reliable, especially when it's combined with other stimulating ingredients, can also increase one's heart rate. By adding Match Green Tea, this in turn, helps the body to burn more calories both at work and at rest. As a result, you may lose more weight and more body fat when using a this combination.



Fat cells have receptors for catecholamines (are hormones made chiefly by the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys). and that the primary catecholamines involved here are adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Fat cells have two types of receptors:

  • Alpha receptors

  • Beta receptors

And these receptors operate very differently.

It is quite complex, but what you need to know is when catecholamines bind to beta receptors, fat cells mobilize for burning. 

When the chemicals bind to alpha receptors, however, the cells don’t mobilize.

Furthermore, some adipose tissue (fat) in the body contains higher levels of alpha receptors than others, which makes it more resistant to mobilization than other fat deposits.

Enter yohimbine.

This sneaky little molecule has a high affinity for alpha receptors, which means it binds to them more easily than beta receptors. Once yohimbine has bound with a fat cell, it “turns off” the alpha receptor, in a sense, which allows the catecholamines in your blood to bind to beta receptors instead.

These fat deposits are generally highest in alpha receptors are the “hard-to-lose” bits that we want to eliminate most. 

This is why it’s often sold as a way to help with “targeted fat loss,”

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Research and trails by myself and other gym users have found that yohimbine reduces fat mass without affecting lean mass, which is important for optimizing body composition


Best taken on an empty stomach immediately upon waking or in-between meals ramps up fat oxidation without causing undesirable side effects like high blood pressure or racing heart


And it’s even more effective when combined with exercise and other supplements like caffeine and or synephrine.


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